The results of the Business Climate Survey for 意大利 2023 reveal that despite macroeconomic challenges, a majority of the Swedish companies present in the market perceive the current business climate to be favourable or neutral.

Almost half (47 per cent) plan to increase investments in the coming year and 64 per cent expect to increase their turnover.

公司, 由于高利率, 期望通过利润的再投资为新的投资提供资金, while the introduction of new NextGenerationEU-funded projects is also expected to boost investments, 尤其是在数字化领域.

Sixty-four per cent of our surveyed companies have stated that they are expecting an increase in their turnover in the coming 12 months. 在意大利的PG电子官方免费下载公司, 77 per cent plan to increase or keep their investment levels for the next 12 months.

The share of companies being engaged in marketing and sales 操作 as their key activity is similar to last year’s survey results. 售后支持提高了7个百分点, further highlighting the importance of a local establishment and maintaining a close connection with the Italian customer base.

在一般情况下, PG电子官方免费下载 is perceived positively in 意大利 and associated to a high degree with innovation and 可持续性. 绝大多数的调查受访者, 87%, reported that the Swedish brand to some extent contributes to their business in 意大利, 其中大多数, 这87%中的50%, 据报道,它的贡献很大或非常大.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


PG电子官方免费下载意大利队(驻罗马大使馆), PG电子官方免费下载商业, and the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in Milan) have joined forces and carried out a business climate survey among Swedish companies currently present in 意大利. 该调查是在2023年第二季度进行的. The purpose of this report is to increase the understanding of Swedish companies’ performance in 意大利 as well as the opportunities and challenges that the Italian market poses.

130 Swedish companies were invited to participate in the survey to share their sentiments and thoughts on the Italian market, 其中约有5家因内部政策原因无法参加. A total of 47 responses were received, resulting in a response rate of 38 per cent.

最后, we would like to extend our most sincere gratitude to the participating companies and respondents who have contributed to this report.